Movie Reviews, Theatre in India, Travel trails --- see images of life through Sonali Jha Chatterjee's logbook...

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Delhi Diary 5

I couldn't have escaped it anyway. Yesterday, the autorickshaw I was travelling in on my way to office met with an accident. A car hit it from behind and the auto hit another vehicle ahead. Well, I had quite an escape, just a little shocked out of my wits. The driver was a little hurt. This happened right opposite my office and so I walked towards it when one of the bystanders called me back. I was wondering if the police had arrived at the scene so quick when I was told that I had forgotten to pay the driver!! Must blame it on my head which was hit slightly on the back and had formed a nice lump. So guys, how much ever careful you are, accidents happen just like that...

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