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Friday 21 March 2014

Movie Review (English)

Dallas Buyers Club

It was a joy to see one of my favourite actors reach the top of his acting quotient. Matthew McConaughey has always dazzled as a romantic hero, full of chutzpah. But for him to attempt this movie was so out of character, I was floored. Thank you Matthew for having shown there is no ceiling to acting. He plays the real life Ron Woodroof, an HIV afflicted electrician and a gambler at a rodeo. He achieved a body that looked like it hadn't been fed for quite some time. His bones and skin body played a big part in letting him get into character. Jared Leto who played the role of a transexual, Rayon, with aplomb, is at once shunned by Ron and then goes on to become a big part of his life. Jennifer Garner comes up as the humane doctor who doesn’t necessarily prescribe to the FDA’s findings. Given 30 days to live, our man lives for 7 years using alternative medicine to boost his immune system, instead of using FDA approved drugs that randomly kill the cells of the body. During this time he works at providing these medicines to those in a similar condition and forms a Buyers Club that charges money and supplies these illegal medicines. In the process, he keeps dodging the law which tries to prevents him from selling, never mind that they work.
Yes, the Oscar was definitely deserved.

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