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Thursday 17 July 2008

The Kite Runner

Indeed, very few books have moved me as much as The Kite Runner. Khaled Hosseini really takes the top position amongst storytellers. The emotional upheavals woven throughout the book never lets go of the reader's mind and heart. I remained with Hassan, Amir and Sohrab long after I had turned the last page. The phrase, "For You, a thousand times over" keeps ringing in my ears, haunting.

Sunday 13 July 2008

The Crab Soup

The play The Crab Soup was staged on July 9 at the Max Mueller Bhavan. Both the shows had quite a turn out. The TCA director, Ramanjit Kaur and scriptwriter Arthur Cardozo have really done a great job. The play travels to London as a Theatre Science project. It dealt with a middle class young couple facing the spectre of HIV and coping or not coping with it.
The Kolkata audience does seem a little uncomfortable with English plays and with subtleties. Long silences are definitely not appreciated here. Moreover, the actors need to come to grips with a foreign language and learn to deliver more confidently.
All in all, a good effort. Good for English theatre!!!