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Sunday 21 April 2013

Movies - Review

A Dark Truth

How far will a corporate house go to earn profits, trampling lives and trying to own natural resources, do you think? All the way. That’s what this movie is about. A company which owns water resources in Ecuador, ties up with the military regime, to prevent an activist, played by Whittaker, from rising against this tyrannical control. Andy Garcia, ex-CIA agent is sent there to get Whittaker and his family to US to tell his story. The whistle blower here is the Corporate honcho’s sister.
A well made movie, fast and furious with a positive end and not far from the truth either. When the world seems to be moving towards such corporatisation greed of our natural resources, like water, we will have air branded and sold next and will have to pay up for a puff of oxygen!!

Anna Karenina

Too many things to distract me. The setting was wonderful, as if life was indeed a play and all of us mere players. But this also was its undoing. Aiming to do something novel, director Joe Wright completely forgot about the emotional undercurrents within the characters. There was little build up leading to Anna’s death which I think is the mainstay of the novel. There was too much stress on superficialities. I had certain images of the novel when I read it, and all of them lie cracked after watching this movie. The actors though did their best. But there is only so much you can give on screen.
Yes I do believe, never read a book and then watch its cinematic adaptation.