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Monday 10 May 2010

A home once more!

I've been in Delhi for 10 months and have been staying in Dwarka with family. Well, this was a temporary arrangement. Now, we're shifting to a permanent house (which means 3 to 4 years). It has been like living on a railway platform, almost everything each one of us wanted to do was pushed behind for later, when we would shift to our permanent house! Aaaaah! Have boarded the train and am fast tracking towards my destination which happens over the next week, and settling down of course takes more weeks. But that's fun and that's what I am used to, having been born in such a milieu.

So, do houses mean anything to me?? No they don't pull at my heartstrings, since I've moved in and out of so many. What I remember vividly though are certain memories, scenes, dejavu, scents, colours, views...Also it's a challenge to put our entire belongings into four rooms and then arrange them once more into a one and half suite!

Will definitely post the view from my new home. Wish me luck!

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